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Online Learning Program

Johnstown-Monroe's Online Learning Platform is a dynamic and approachable alternative to traditional classroom settings. Our students learn in a variety of ways, and this program is just another opportunity to meet the needs and allow flexibility for our diverse learners.

Our online program supports students through a variety of scheduleing options. Read through the topics below to learn more about our program and the various ways students are able to use online learning as a part of their day-to-day school.

Full-Time Online Learners
Blended Learners
Blended, In-Person Learners
Exceptional Placement
Credit Recovery
Summer Credits

Full-Time Online Learning

Learners who take all their classes online, do so from home. A full period schedule is loaded, students will have choices about electives they take, and they can still participate in school sports and events. These students may have to come in to the building for testing or meetings, but otherwise, their attendance is determined by progress in their classes and login time.

Blended Learners

Blending refers to incorperating both traditional, in-person classes AND online classes. Students attend the school day for at least one class and complete other classes online from home. These students sign in and out in the office when they arrive at the building and when their in-person classes are through.

Student who are blended learners are typically taking a class that is particularly challenging to them. A student may want to have a direct instructor and be in class to take their math courses because they struggle in math more than other subject. They could also be choosing to take a class that isn't offered online like band or choir.

Blended, In-Person Learners

Blending refers to incorperating both traditional, in-person classes AND online classes. Students who blend their schedules to have both in-person and online classes can still choose to spend a full day present at school. Students are assigned to the online learning lab for some periods, to work on online classes. Their schedule also includes in-person classes. They switch periods at the bell and attend lunch.

Exceptional Placement

Students who are particularly gifted in a subject area or who are wanting to take on a new academic challenge can talk to our counselors about taking advanced courses online.

Credit Recovery

Students who have failed an in-person class for at least one semester may be placed in an online course to recover that specific semester credit. These courses are built with cnoditional logic that essentially delivers lessons and assessments that students still need to master, and it reduces lessons and assessments in areas students can test out of. This narrows the time it takes to complete these courses to how much material the student needs to review and be tested on from the class content.

Summer Credits

Students may request to take some courses over the summer. Contact the Guidance Office to see if you would be eligible.